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What to Do When Your Basement Is Flooding

A flooded basement represents a dangerous, costly, and frustrating situation for you as a homeowner. The irony is that your basement is prone to flooding at any time. This is because heavy rainfall, a frozen pipe, a failed sump pump, or an overwhelmed plumbing fixture are dangers you might face on a daily basis.

Once this unfortunate incident occurs in your basement, you need to take a few basic but critical steps to alleviate the situation.

1. Safety First

Shut down electricity

A flooded basement is a dangerous electrical hazard. Virtually all basements have electrical outlets and fixtures that would electrify water during flooding. Furthermore, it will not take a lot of water to conduct an electrical charge.
Your first instinct must be to shut down the electricity connection to the flooded basement. However, this must never be at the risk of wading through floodwater. Should you be unsure regarding your safety, call your electrician to help you shut down your electricity connection.

Wear protective clothing

Sometimes sewer or storm drains could send sewage runoff flooding into your basement during heavy rainfall. Depending on your plumbing set up and where your home is located, floodwater in your flooded basement may contain contaminants.

In this regard, the contaminants and the sewage would cause serious health challenges once you are exposed to them. This means you need to wear protective clothing, rubber boots, and water resistant gloves as you go about seeking solutions.

Flee if you smell gas

Should you smell gas, it is imperative that you leave the premises immediately. Your next immediate action should be an emergency call to the local fire department so that they can send first responders to assess the situation.

2. Remove the Water

Once it is safe to move into a flooded basement, next comes removing the floodwater as soon as you possibly can. Should you have a sump pump, ensure it is functioning as it should and begin getting the floodwater out. In this regard, it’s always a good idea to ensure you possess a functional backup system for your sump pump.
Should your basement have a floor drain, ensure it is completely unclogged to enable it to rid your basement of standing water. For it to effectively drain water whenever there is a flood, it is important to have your drains checked after any flooding event. This is because flooding is often a major reason why drains clog up, creating the danger of a future flooding event in your basement.

3. Dehumidify and Move Air

Mold starts growing within twenty-four hours after a flooding incident. As such, the faster you initiate a drying up procedure, the faster you reduce chances of mold growth.

A drying up procedure may involve pointing a blowing fan at porous objects around your basement. These include the drywall and other spots suffering water saturation. Another option is running a dehumidifier around your basement to absorb the moisture in the air.

4. Finally

Most basement floods arise from the plumbing. To forestall flooding, seek services of a proficient New Orleans Plumber. They will repair broken plumbing fixtures, and unclog blocked sewers and drains. Conversely, after a basement flooding, hire one to identify plumbing gaps that cause the flooding.

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